• How much is the shipping fee ?

    Free shipping in Japan.
    FedEX shipping fee will be added for international shipments. It depends on the country, so please refer here for more information.

  • How many days will it take for the item to arrive?

    Varies depending on the product.

  • Can I specify the date?

    It is possible to do it in Japan.  We will contact you before I ship the item, so please let us know.
    We do not specify the date for international shipping.

  • Do you only accept credit cards?

    We also accept bank transfers.
    Payment may be made in advance depending on the amount.

  • Can I cancel my order?

    If you cancel your order within 24 hours, you will receive a full refund. However, after 24 hours it is not possible to cancel the order since the production process of the item will have begun.

  • If the size is different, is it possible to alter it even after already having used it?

    it is possible to get it altered after use, but there will be an adjustment fee since we will have to process the item once more. Please contact us for more information. Please make sure to take a good look at the size chart so there are no problems when you purchase the item.

  • Is there any country that cannot ship it ?

    We try to ship to as many countries as possible, but there are some countries where we cannot ship to due to prohibition rules. Please contact us for more information.

  • Do I have to pay customs ?

    For all international orders, please note that the consumer is responsible for any tax and duty fees on orders required to go through customs.
    We are unable to pre-calculate this fee for you as the cost is determined by each country’s customs.

  • About the inquiry

    Please contact us if you have any questions about the product or our company.
    We will try to reply as quickly as possible, but we won’t be available on Saturdays, Sundays and the New Year Holidays.

  • Is there a difference in color when I see it on the screen of a smartphone or PC ?

    We use 18k gold and platinum, but the color may look a little different depending on your smart phone or computer. No two lab-grown diamonds are exactly alike. Grades and stone sizes vary from each other.

  • If the item is damaged, can I return it?

    If the item is damaged during shipping, we will accept it as a return or exchange, so please contact us within 3 days of the arrival of the item.
    Please note that we cannot accept damage after use in principle.